13th Annual Run for Recovery
Join us on 09/10/2025
(race date estimated)13th Annual Run for Recovery Race Description
The Run for Recovery is held in memory, honor and support of those whose lives have been impacted by addiction. Funds raised are directed to Bridge at Urban Mission, a program that provides encouragement and support to those who are working toward recovery. Options include a 5K or 10K run, both of which are professionally-timed or a 5K walk. The first 200 registrants will receive Run for Recovery T-shirt. The course extends from the Alex T. Duffy Fairgrounds to Glen Park and back. Come join the fun while supporting a worthwhile cause. We run – and walk – in solidarity to bring hope to those impacted by addiction! Register here: https://zippy-reg.com/online_reg/index2022.php?e=1681
- Location: Watertown, NY 13601
- Race Date: 2022/09/10 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)

13th Annual Run for Recovery Where & When
13th Annual Run for Recovery Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Moderate or heavy rain shower.