3 Bear 5K
Join us on 07/04/2025
(race date estimated)3 Bear 5K Race Description
5K General Info. The 3Bear5K is a July 4th family friendly recreational event that welcomes runners, walkers, bikers and dogs of all ages. Race start is 9AM at Luoto’s Fitness. All profit from the 5K race will be donated to Great Headwaters Trails to build bike trails linking eastern Vilas County to its western trails. There will be a timer for those serious racers who want to know their race time. The route is a multi-media surface of asphalt, packed gravel trails and mowed grass. Stollers may be a challenge to push at times, but the industrious do endure. FREE t-shirts for pre-registration. Pre-Registration ends July 2. T-shirt size not guaranteed if pre-registering after June 20. Cash or Check only for registration day of 5K. Day-of t-shirts, $20, while supplies last.
Youth Fun Run General Info. The Youth Fun Run is for youth under 14. Race start is 8AM at Luoto’s Fitness. All profit from the Youth Fun Run will be donated to the Land O’ Lakes Community Playground that is located at LOL Town Hall. The run starts at Luoto’s Fitness and ends in the east parking lot of Brew’s Pub. It is a solid surface run from start to end and is just shy of 1K. FREE t-shirts for pre-registration. Pre-Registration ends July 2. T-shirt size not guaranteed if pre-registering after June 20. Cash or Check only for registration day-of 5K. Day-of t-shirts, $20, while supplies last.
Donations to these organizations, in addition to event participation, is encouraged.
5K Donations go to Great Headwaters Trails, ghtrails.org.
Youth Fun Run Donations go to LOL Community Playground, landolakeswicommunityplayground.org.
2024 SPONSORS: Two generous sponsors have joined this 5K and Fun Run fundraiser. A thank you goes to Lac Vieux Desert Health Center (LVDHC) and Inspirational Touch Massage. In addition, ISCCW (Watersmeet, MI aquatic invasive species Lake Guards) provides water and rejuvenating snacks before and after the events.
Race starts and finishes: The 5K starts at 9AM (8:30AM registration) and finishes at Luoto’s Fitness, 4258 County Rd. B, Land O Lakes, WI. The Youth Fun Run starts 8AM (7:45AM registration) at Luoto’s Fitness and ends at parking lot across from Brew’s Pub.
5K Route Description: The Run/Walk/Bike 5K starts at 9AM (8:30 registration), July 4, at Luoto’s Fitness, 4258 County Hwy B, Land O Lakes, WI. Dogs and bikes are welcome!! The 5K begins at Luoto’s Fitness and goes south and west towards the elementary school. It winds through the Town park, passing the LOL NorthernWaters Museum, through the woods passing the water treatment plant and the airport to end at Luoto’s Fitness. The route is a multi-media surface of asphalt, packed gravel trails and mowed grass. Water and restrooms are available at the park pavilion, about ½ way along the 5K route. The sheriff will help at the start with the crossing at County Rd. B. Donations go to Great Headwaters Trails, ghtrails.org.
Youth Fun Run Route Description: Fun run for youth under 14 and their families.
Start time: 8AM (7:45 registration), July 4 at Luoto’s Fitness, 4258 County Hwy B, Land O Lakes, WI. The run starts at Luoto’s Fitness and ends in the east parking lot of Brew’s Pub. The route is along the southside of Hwy B, turning left at Dari Maid and following Olympic 76 St. around to Brew’s. It is a solid surface run from start to end and is just shy of 1K. Donations go to LOL Community Playground, landolakeswicommunityplayground.org.
Registration/Check-In and T-Shirt info: Register on line; OR at gym, 4258 County Rd. B, LOL; OR walk-in day of. Online and day-of registration entry fee is $25 for 5K and Youth Fun Run. Cash or Check only for registration day of 5K. FREE t-shirts for pre-registration. Pre-Registration ends July 2. T-shirt size not guaranteed if pre-registering after June 20. Day-of t-shirts, $20, while supplies last.
Youth 1K Registration/Check-In at 7:45 AM at Luoto’s Fitness, 4258 County Rd. B, LOL.
5K Registration/Check-In at 8:30AM at Luoto’s Fitness, 4258 County Rd. B, LOL.
- Location: Land O Lakes, WI 54540
- Race Date: 2024/07/04 09:00:00 AM (Thursday)
- 3 Bear 5K Adult
- 3 Bear Youth Fun Run
3 Bear 5K Where & When
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