5th Annual Victory Run
Join us on 10/12/2025
(race date estimated)5th Annual Victory Run Race Description
Team registration is available! Packet pick-up and registration is 7-8 AM on Saturday and the Race begins at 8:30 AM.
Many, many door prizes are going to be raffled from event sponsors. Small games of chance license number 2019-101.
One of the beautiful VTH horses will be on location during the race for photos.
Event finishers will receive a logo medallion and top finishers will receive an additional "place" medallion.
This course is entirely on cement road and thus, running strollers are welcome. It is early October so we could experience chilly weather, please dress accordingly.
Participants may park at the Rec Center. Family and friends are encouraged to park behind the Rec Center in the soccer field parking lot.

- Location: ALTOONA, PA 16601
- Race Date: 2019/10/12 07:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 10k Individaul
- 10k Veteran
- 5k Individual
- 5k Veteran
- Walker
- Walker Team

5th Annual Victory Run Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
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 - Dec 31st, 2025Addie's GRACE Walk
 - Jun 1st, 2025Damascus Freedom 5k
 - Sep 6th, 2025Total Immersion Semi-Private Swim Lessons - 6 Hours
 - Dec 31st, 2025Children Swim Lessons - 4 Lessons
 - Dec 31st, 2025Conquer the Dam 5K
 - May 10th, 2025Hope Station's Mile For Justice
 - Jun 14th, 2025ALTOONA, PA Weather
Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.