8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk

Join us between 06/29 - 07/06/2025

(race date estimated)

8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk Race Description

Welcome back to our 8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk!  Thank you for joining us in kicking off the Summer!  We are looking forward to our annual 3.1-mile neighborhood foot race to benefit our local heroes at the Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department! 

Check-in/Day-of Registration:   7:00 AM

Race Start:  8:00 AM

Location:   The Dares Beach green:  Dares Beach Road & Macrae Avenue, Prince Frederick, MD. 20678

Fees (both live and virtual race options): 

          Participants 13-and-older (no event t-shirt):  $15   (until Friday, 06/28/2024)             

          Participants 12-and-under (no event t-shirt):  Free (until Friday, 06/28/2024)

          Participants 13-and-older (with event t-shirt):  $27 (until 06/10/2024)

          Participants 12-and-under (with event t-shirt):  $12 (until 06/10/2024)

          Day-of Registration (13-and-older):  $25 (no event t-shirt), live race only 

          Day-of Registration (12-and-under): free (no event t-shirt), live race only

Donations:  If you can't participate but would like to contribute, or would like to donate extra to the Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department, you can go to their webpage at https://www.pfvfd.org/  and then select DONATE in the upper right.

Race will be professionally timed by K2 Race Management and Timing Services (https://www.facebook.com/k2racetiming)


Live race - Awards, course and age group records, post-race snacks along with water and sports drinks. 

Awards (live race):  Trophies for the top 3 overall males and females, plaques for the top overall Masters and Dares Beach Residents, and medals for the age group awards.

       Top 3 overall males and top 3 overall females

       Top overall Masters male and female (age 40 & over)

       Top Dares Beach male resident and female resident

       Top 3 in the following age groups for males and females:  0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-and-up


    If you opt for the virtual race, you can participate on your own 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) route any time between Saturday, June 29 - Saturday, July 6 at 5:00 PM.   We will likely have a virtual awards ceremony via ZOOM for all virtual racers later on the evening of July 6.   Details about the virtual awards ceremony are forthcoming.  For more information about the virtual race option, please see 'Virtual Race Details' below.

   * The results and awards for the live race option and the virtual race option will be totally separate!*

  Virtual Race Details:  The virtual race format is based on the honor system, and in order to preserve the competitive integrity of this race and have fun with it, here are the rules:

   1).  Develop or find a 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) route of your choosing over any terrain and any level of difficulty.   Hit the flattest area you can find (such as a track), run up the mountains, hike through the woods, loop through your backyard, jog on the beach, whatever you like.  If you would rather participate indoors, you can run/walk on a treadmill for 3.1 miles.

   2).   However and wherever you choose to cover the 5-kilometers, please email me your times (noah.wood1983@gmail.com).   We are doing this on the honor system, so be honest about the time you clock for yourself.  This is a race, so I will be compiling the times and by the end of the day on July 6th, all of the results should be in order.  You never know, you may earn an award!!!!

 3).  Your finish times will not be matched against those at the live race.  The virtual and live races are separate races.  However, both will receive coverage on our community Facebook page (www.facebook.com/daringtheblaze5K)

  4).  You do not have to take a photo of yourself, your timing device, and/or your route, but you are welcome to do so if you would like.  In addition, if want to submit any photos and have it posted on our event's Facebook community page (www.facebook.com/daringtheblaze5K) just let me know.    It's fun to see the variety of routes and photos along the way.

  5).   For updates, results, and photos, please check out our event's Facebook community page at:  www.facebook.com/daringtheblaze5K        Any questions, please contact the race director, Noah Wood:  noah.wood1983@gmail.com  

Course:  Since it's a virtual 5-kilometer race, you can choose a 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) route to run, jog, walk, treadmill or hike.   

Awards (virtual race):   Award winners will be getting a virtual award certificate emailed to them based on if they place in the following categories:

       Top 3 overall males and top 3 overall females

       Top overall Masters male and female (age 40 & over)

        Top 3 in the following age groups for males and females:  0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-and-up

   * Results should be fully available on the Facebook page with awards emailed to award winners by Monday evening, July 8.

 We would be happy to have you join us either in person or remotely for some fun and fitness to support our excellent fire department!    Thank you!

Race Director:  Noah Wood (443-310-6427)     Email:  noah.wood1983@gmail.com


Get ready for the 8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk

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    8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk Where & When

  • Location: Prince Frederick, MD 20678
  • Race Dates: 06/29 - 07/06/2025 (race date estimated)
  • Categories:
    • Live Race 5K (13 and Over) - No T-Shirt
    • Live Race (13 and over) - With T-Shirt
    • Live Race - 12-and-Under (No T-Shirt)
    • Live Race - 12-and-Under (with T-Shirt)
    • Virtual Race - (13-and-Over)
    • Virtual Race - 12-and-Under

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  • Join us at the 8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk in July for a great race. The 8th Annual Daring the Blaze 5K Run/Walk works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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