Altius and WYSEF Try It Biathlon Clinic
Join us on 11/26/2025
(race date estimated)Altius and WYSEF Try It Biathlon Clinic Race Description
Altius Handcrafted Firearms/WYSEF "Try It" Biathlon Clinic
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Registration for the clinic closes Monday, November 25, 2019 at 5:00p.m.
* This clinic is required for participants in the Wednesday Novice Biathlon race. Pre-registration is required. Rifles and Ammunition are provided.
All new biathletes are required to participate in the "Try It" Biathlon clinic at the range on Tuesday Nov. 26 from 10:30 am to noon. All Novice racers are welcome but you are not required to attend the clinic if you attended it in 2018.
If you would like to register for the "Try It" Biathlon Clinic and the Wednesday Novice Biathlon Race, click here
Biathlon Try-It Clinic participants must have a trail pass and ski equipment to participate in the clinic. All trail passes are non-refundable. Registration is limited to 80 participants. All skiers should meet at the Biathlon Range (1.5k from trail head area, accessible by skiing only) 15 minutes prior to clinic start in order to check in. Spectators are welcome to ski out (with a trail pass) or walk along the South Plateau Rd (without ski equipment). There are no shuttles available. Participants should wear proper attire for standing outside in winter weather.
Biathlon Range Availability
Yellowstone Ski Festival
24 – 30 November, 2019
**The Range will ONLY be open on the following schedule
and with a Chief of Range present**
DO NOT use the range at any other time
If you plan to use the range during any of the
Training Times
please arrive 15 minutes in advance to help with Paint and Paper and plan to be available for Cleanup at the end of the training period, even if your planned training does not extend to the end of the scheduled training period.
Day |
Date |
Activity |
Training Times |
Sunday |
24 Nov |
Training |
0900-1130/1330-1530 |
Monday |
25 Nov |
Training |
0900-1130/1330-1530 |
Tuesday |
26 Nov |
Training Try-It Clinic Training |
0900-1130 Lanes 1-12 only 1030-1200 Lanes 13-22 1330-1530 |
Wednesday |
27 Nov |
Altius/WYSEF Sprint Race-No Training Training |
0900-1230 1330-1530 |
Thursday |
28 Nov |
Training |
0900-1130 |
Friday |
29 Nov |
Training |
0900-1130/1330-1530 |
Saturday |
30 Nov |
Morning 1330-1530 |

- Location: West Yellowstone, MT 59758
- Race Date: 2019/11/26 10:30:00 AM (Tuesday)
- "Try It" Biathlon Clinic

Altius and WYSEF Try It Biathlon Clinic Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Light rain shower.