Angie Gioiosa 4th of July Memorial Race
Join us on 07/04/2025
(race date estimated)Angie Gioiosa 4th of July Memorial Race Description
The 4th of July Angie Gioiosa Memorial Race is for everyone! From the start of the race, with the Hollidaysburg drum-line sending off our participants - to the end of the race in the Heritage Plaza, patriotism is on display! Runners and walkers will enjoy our courses designed for all members of the family. Our 4th of July Race has been a community favorite for 45 years with over 1,000 participants!
To guarantee yourself a race t-shirt, please register early. We cannot guarantee shirts the week of the race. Online registration closes at 11:00AM on Tuesday, July 3.
Racers must wear race number to show that you are a race participant. You will have a certain color bib pertaining to what race you are participating in. If you want to change races, you may do so by calling the Blair Regional YMCA at 695-4467 before race day. NO CHANGES ON RACE DAY! If you lose your bib or need a new one issued, for any reason, there will be a $5 fee assessed. For safety reasons, headsets of any kind and pets are not permitted.
NO race registration reimbursements. Remember, if you cannot make it to the event, your registration fee is going towards a good cause.
We will be starting the different races off in WAVES. PLEASE read this information to make sure you start in the correct wave:
Wave 1 (7:50AM START): BLUE BIB’S ONLY - 15k Run
- All 15K runners must average 13:00 mins/mile. If you fall below this pace, you may be asked to drop out and ride back in a sag wagon. This ensures safe traffic control and allows the roads to be opened to traffic in a timely manner
- You will line up in front of the 5k runners & 2 mile walkers. We will have signs and corrals for each wave
- For your safety, please follow all cones, road marshals and police at all times. Water stations will be at approximately 3, 4 ½, 6, 7 ½, 8 and 8 ½ miles
- All miles will be marked on the road surface
- PLEASE familiarize yourself with the course and train for this distance as it is a challenging course and typically hot on race day. Maps will only be available online - we will not have maps on race day
- Once you are on 10th Avenue Expressway, make sure to follow the 15k signs and turn RIGHT onto 15th Street
- You must wear your race number, on the front of your body, to show that you are a race participant. We will have colored bibs to show what race you will be participating in and which WAVE you’ll be in. We will be looking at bib colors to make sure you are in the correct corral
Wave 2 (8:00AM START): RED BIB’S ONLY - 5k Run
- 5k participants will be corralled behind the 15k runners. After the runners start, you will move to the start line until you start your race
- Once on 7th Ave, please stay to the far left as you will be making the LEFT turn onto 17thStreet. Be aware of 15k runners that may be going straight at this intersection
- Water Stations will be in front of the Altoona High School (around 1 ½ miles) and on 7th Street near Roberts Gas Station
- Once you are on the 10th Avenue Expressway, make sure you follow the 5K signs and turn RIGHT on 16th Street. An Altoona Police officer will be directing
- You must wear your race number, on the front of your body, to show that you are a race participant. We will have colored bibs to show what race you will be participating in and which WAVE you’ll be in. We will be looking at bib colors to make sure you are in the correct corral
Wave 3 (8:02AM START): ORANGE BIB’S ONLY - 2 Mile WALK
- Walk participants will be starting after the 15k and 5k participants. Look for the 2 mile walk signs on road surface
- Once you start, you will make an immediate RIGHT turn onto 12th Street. Then RIGHT onto 11th Avenue. When you walk past the Finish Line, Please use the sidewalk and don't go over the timing strips
- You must use the sidewalk once you come to the 17th Street Bridge. You will do ONE loop around the Station Mall Medical Center and back over 17th Street Bridge
- Please be respectful of the runners coming in to the finish line and stay to the right when finishing
- You must wear your race number, on the front of your body, to show that you are a race participant. We will have colored bibs to show what race you will be participating in and which WAVE you’ll be in. We will be looking at bib colors to make sure you are in the correct corral
Porta Johns will be available near the start line and registration area for your convenience.
Packet pickup will be at the Blair Regional YMCA July 2 through July 3. Race day packet pick-up will be available from 6:30am to 7:40am. Registration will be at Heritage Plaza, 11th Avenue in Altoona.
Awards will be given out immediately following the race. We will be awarding medals for the following categories: 15k & 5K run top 3 male & female overall finishers, 2M walk overall top finishers. Awards will also be given out to the top three male and female finishers in the following age categories: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over
Awards winners are asked to remain for the Awards Ceremony as no awards will be mailed.
We are looking for volunteers to help as road marshals along the race course. As a road marshal you will receive a race t-shirt and food after the race. Ask a friend, family member or co-worker to come along with you and enjoy all the excitement of helping out and cheering on the race participants!
If you are interested in volunteering for the race or have any questions, please contact Phyllis at 695-4467. We thank you in advance for your volunteered time!
Parking will be open in the lot across from Mishler Theatre and bus/train station in Downtown Altoona.
Driving Directions Use This Address: Mishler Theatre, 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, Pa 16601

- Location: Altoona, PA 16601
- Race Date: 2020/07/04 07:45:00 AM (Saturday)
- 15K Run
- 5K Run
- 2 Mile Walk
- lollipop- ages 6 & under

Angie Gioiosa 4th of July Memorial Race Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.