Join us on 06/18/2025
(race date estimated)ANNEVAR 5K RUN/WALK Race Description
Held for four days each June, Annevar (Ravenna spelled backwards) is loads of fun for the whole family and draws over 6,000 people to our community. Activities include the D.C. Lynch midway, demo derby, bull riding, parade, sand volleyball, car show, fun run/walk, 3-man scramble golf tournament and much more!
Sign up now for the Annevar 5k Run/Walk. Registration received before June 11th includes a t-shirt. After June 11th, the t-shirts are not guaranteed. 5k Run/Walk is $20/entry. Kids races are $15/entry. After June 11th, all entry fees increase $5/entry. Race day entries accepted.
This is a GREAT family run!
5K Registration/Packet Pickup 6:45 – 7:45 am
5K Run/Walk 8:00 am
Free pancake feed for runners and spectators 8:00 - 10:00
Awards Presentation at VFW Park following completion of 5K 9:00 am
Top 3 male and female 5K run finishers in each age group will receive medals
Age groups: 13 & under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over
Top 3 male and female 5K walk finishers will receive medals - no age groups - not eligible for medal if any portion of the course is ran
Kids Registration/Packet Pickup 6:45 – 9:00 am
Kids Races (Football Field) 9:15 am
Awards Presentation at football field following completion of each kids race
Top 3 male and female finishers in each age group and distance will receive medals
1 mile - 14 & under (any age can enter but only 1 group)
1/2 mile - 6 & 7, 8 & 9, 10 & 11
1/4 mile - 5 & under
SPONSORED BY: Family Physical Therapy & Sports Center
MNO Hometown Market & Catering - Ravenna
Ravenna Lions Club
Ravenna Chamber of Commerce

- Location: Ravenna, NE 68869
- Race Date: 2022/06/18 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Run
- 5K Walk
- Kids 1 Mile (14 & under)
- Kids 1/2 Mile (6-7 years old)
- Kids 1/4 Mile (5 & under)
- Kids 1/2 Mile (8-9 years old)
- Kids 1/2 Mile (10-11 years old)

Other Races You May Want to Consider
Run For the Risen Son
 - Apr 19th, 20258th Annual Doniphan Diabetes Dash
 - Jun 14th, 202521st Annual Hope Crisis Center 'Put Your Foot Down Against Sexual Assault' 10K/2 Mile Fun Run/Walk
 - May 1st, 2025Shelton Stampede 4th of July Run
 - Jul 4th, 2025Humphrey veterans run
 - Jun 21st, 2025Judd's Summer Slam Triathlon
 - Jul 19th, 2025Victory Strides
 - Oct 31st, 2025Palace City Kiwanis Half Marathon, 10K & 5K
 - Oct 5th, 2025Ravenna, NE Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.