Back to school
Join us on 08/13/2025
(race date estimated)Back to school Race Description
Warner University is a Christian community. We love this opportunity to give back to to the community by having a "Back 2 School Race/Walk. The reason for this is to have our youth understand that everything is a blessing and never take anything for granted. Once something is given to you for free never turn it down. We will be giving away free Backpacks Pencils, @prong folders and a pack of wide rule paper. The onl way our youth will be able to receive these free items is by signing up for the race/walk and making it past the finish line
- Location: Lake Wales, FL 33859
- Race Date: 2016/08/13 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Fun day run day at Warner University

Back to school Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
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 - Sep 7th, 2025Door County Sprint Triathlon
 - Jul 12th, 2025THE BUCK FIFTY
 - Apr 12th, 2025Door County Half Iron Triathlon
 - Jul 13th, 2025Run Madtown
 - Mar 29th, 2025Gladiator Dash
 - Apr 13th, 2025Deseret News Marathon
 - Jul 24th, 2025Lake Wales, FL Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.