Bark in the Park 5k
Join us on 07/21/2025
(race date estimated)Bark in the Park 5k Race Description
Join us for Chive on North Dakota's 3rd Annual Bark in the Park. The 5k was a success last year, even with the weather being as unpredictable as it is, so it is making a return!
Bark in the Park was started to create awareness for pet adoptions as well as raise funds for local animal rescues. All proceeds raised this year will go to Tails of the Midwest Animal Rescue. The funds are used to help pay for food, spaying and neutering of the animals, vaccination costs, and any other additional medical costs for the animals.
We encourage you to bring your dog(s) to run or walk with you. This event is about our fur kids and promoting regular exercise for them. Kids 12 and under run/walk for free!
After the race join us for Weiner Dog Races, doggie kissing booth, food, music, and bouncy houses for the kids.
Event details and schedule
The walk/run will start at the Dickinson Dog Park/Gress Softball Complex in Dickinson, ND.
Registration and check-in the day of the event at Gress Softball Complex, 455 8th Ave SW, Dickinson, ND and will begin at 8:45 AM and ends at 9:45 AM.
Runners' shotgun will be at 10 AM
Walkers' shotgun will follow the runners at approximately 10:10 AM.
All animals must be on a leash.

- Location: Dickinson, ND 58601
- Race Date: 2018/07/21 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Individual Age 13+

Bark in the Park 5k Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
Fools 4 Miler
 - Apr 5th, 2025Dickinson, ND Weather
Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.