Bisons Mad Dash 5K
Join us on 08/14/2025
(race date estimated)Bisons Mad Dash 5K Race Description
Bison Mad Dash 5K-Color Run
-All of the money collected from this race helps support the 10 athletic team we have in Barrackville.
-Registration on the day of the race will start at 7:30 a.m.
-Racers signed up before August 19, 2018, will pay $30 dollars. Anyone after that day will pay $35 dollars.
-All runner with info in before August 19, 2018, will receive a t-shirt and sunglasses. (After this date we can may not be able to provide a shirt or sunglasses.)
-The race will have four color station throughout the course with two water stations.
-The race will begin at 9:00 a.m. rain or shine.
-Pack other clothes or bring trash bags because you will be covered in color.

- Location: Barrackville , WV 26559
- Race Date: 2018/08/14 08:30:00 AM (Tuesday)
- Color Run 5K

Bisons Mad Dash 5K Where & When
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 - Apr 5th, 2025Barrackville , WV Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.