BMS Bike-A-Thon
Join us on 05/14/2025
(race date estimated)BMS Bike-A-Thon Race Description
Join Us for the
3rd Annual
Basalt Middle School Bike-A-Thon!
May 20, 2023
The BMS Bike-A-Thon is back for its third year! We are making things even more exciting this time around! All will be invited to gather at BMS on Saturday, May 20th from 10-11:30 am for a celebration which will include an amazing raffle, emcees and music, bike skills course and games, a bike decorating station, Aspen Mini Donuts food truck helmet checks and more!
Participants can choose from a variety of different bike zones, giving something for adults and kids of any skill level:
Green: 1 Mile
Blue: 10 Miles
Black: 25 Mile
You can mountain bike, road bike or even stationary bike (hello Peloton!). It's your choice! You get to pick your day and time and route. Ride in the middle of the night, if that’s your jam. Whip laps around the BMX bike track. Cruiser bike through your ‘hood. The options are endless - just get out there and have some fun! It's the honor system on whether you complete your mileage, but we know everyone will keep it real.
Once you've completed your ride(s) your pictures to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #Bike4BMS and be randomly selected to win a Raft Trip for 2 from Blazing Adventures!
You may register individually ($20 per adult, $10 per child) OR register your family (up to 5 participants) as a 'family entry' to receive a capped entry fee of $50.
The first 85 people to register will receive a gift card to Basalt Bike and Ski! Each registrant will also receive one raffle ticket to be entered to win one of our amazing raffle prizes. We have prizes from TACAW, Mod's Thai House, Blazing Adventures, Basalt Printing & Art Supply, The Ranch at Roaring Fork Golf Course, Aspen MTB, YETI Bikes, Mountain Primal Meat Company, S and much more! Want more chances? You can buy more raffle tickets when you register!
- Blazing Adventures - gift certificate for 2
ALL proceeds go towards activities organized by the Basalt Middle School Parent Engagement Group, which supports BMS Outdoor Education, programs to ignite a sense of belonging for students at BMS, upcoming special staff projects currently unfunded and Staff Appreciation. If you wish to offer further support to the activities of the Parent Engagement Group- please consider a donation to the annual fund here: BMS PEG Annual Fund.
If you register as a team/family entry- please be sure to add your teammates by adding participants after you register the 'team captain'- click "add another" before you check out and select "Register teammate" for $0 additional. Please do this for all adults and children up to a team of 5 people. Please email Jen Nichols with any questions.
Aussie Plumbing & Heating Basalt Bike & Ski Firstbank Holy Cross Energy
Independence Construction RA Nelson
Aspen Cycling Club Columbine Moving & Storage
Double Diamond Moving & Storage Umbrella Roofing

- Location: Basalt, CO 81623
- Race Date: 2022/05/14 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Bike-A-Thon - Adult Entry
- Bike-A-Thon - Child Entry
- Bike-A-Thon - Family Entry

BMS Bike-A-Thon Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
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 - May 10th, 2025Earth Day Race
 - Apr 26th, 2025Wyoming Marathon Races
 - May 25th, 2025Cheyenne Firecracker 5K/10K
 - Jul 4th, 2025Cinco De Mayo 5k - Cheyenne
 - May 3rd, 2025Founders Day 5k Color Run
 - Apr 5th, 2025Jingle Bell Jaunt
 - Dec 6th, 2025Staunton Rocks Marathon & Half
 - Aug 23rd, 2025Basalt, CO Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.