Bustin' Your Bacon
Join us on 06/08/2025
(race date estimated)Bustin' Your Bacon Race Description
Come Bust Your Bacon on a scenic and mostly flat road race, which starts and finishes at the Baker County Fairgrounds. The course travels northbound through residential areas, pathways and then rural country roads in the gorgeous Baker Valley. Course is a 6+ mile loop out and back with views of the majestic mountains both to the east and west.
PRE-REGISTER by June 7, 2024. Entry fee at the event on June 8th, will be raised to $70.
Although not a certified course this year, we intend to obtain runner feedback for certifying both the 1/2 marathon and full marathon courses in the near future.
Unique opportunity to help a nonprofit agency fundraise to bring Human Trafficking Awareness to the Baker County communities all the while enjoying a beautiful run.
This 1/2 Marathon event is hosted by MayDay, Inc in partnership with the Oregon State Police.
We have also joined the Baker County Soroptimist's @ Geiser-Pollman Park in their 3K Walk for Awareness. Their registration begins at 8:30am - $10 & 12 under for free. We will kick off the combined event at 9am with the National Anthem and awareness presentation and then let the races begin.
Interested in volunteering, contact Lela @ 541-406-9269. Looking forward to seeing you all out there on race day!
- Location: Baker City, OR 97814
- Race Date: 2024/06/08 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 1/2 Marathon
Bustin' Your Bacon Where & When
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