Join us on 09/11/2025
(race date estimated)BUTTERFLY 5K RUN/WALK Race Description
Did you know that September is National Suicide Prevention Month and September 10th is Suicide Prevention Day? In recognition of both, LiFE OF HOPE welcomes you to join us for a community event for all ages! The 5K Butterfly Run/Walk event will include an amazing commencement ceremony with a message of HOPE and healing from national speaker, Chris Prochut, beautiful 5K route, “in memory” and “in honor” butterfly dedication garden area, super FUN family friendly activates, area cheerleaders along the course, awareness building messaging, food, beverage, and so much more. You seriously won’t want to miss it. Sign up today and invite your family and friends to join us too! All profits from this event will be used to maintain the LiFE OF HOPE – 3 Pillars of Influence (awareness, education, and support).
SUICIDE IS PREVENTABLE! One community. One family. One LiFE at a time.
Event Details
LOCATION: Regner Park Pavilion - 800 N. Main Street, West Bend
REGISTRATION/PACKET PICK-UP: Saturday, Sept. 10th (noon-4:00pm) at LiFE OF HOPE OFFICE (139 N. Main Street, Suite 104, West Bend) | Sunday, Sept. 11th (6:30am-7:15am) at Regner Park
COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: 7:00am-7:45am at Regner Park
5K START TIME: 8:00am
COST: $30 through September 9th | $40 on September 10th and 11th (run/walk day)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 17 (or when sold out – space is limited)
REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Event T-Shirt (no shirt for 10 years and younger), LiFE OF HOPE visor for first 60 registrations, 3.5" corrugated plastic butterfly (for dedicating to Butterfly Garden), promotional coupons/items from area sponsors, food and beverage following the run/walk.
FEATURED SPEAKER: Chris Prochut of Talk 2 End Stigma.
RAFFLE: Great raffle items (tickets available for sale on event day)
SILENT AUCTION: Seriously awesome silent auction items (COMPETITIVE BIDDING)
EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: Butterfly Garden ~ Honor loved ones/friends by writing their name on your nylon butterfly and placing it in the dedicated Butterfly Garden | Butterfly Chalk Walk ~ Children (all ages) are invited to draw butterflies on paved path in honor of friends/loved ones | Awards Ceremony ~ Awards given to recognize top finishers of timed race participants. | Community Partner and Sponsor Booths ~ Connect with area supporters of suicide prevention and the LiFE OF HOPE mission.

- Location: West Bend, WI 53090
- Race Date: 2016/09/11 10:18:00 AM (Sunday)
- 5K ~ Ages 11+
- 5K ~ Ages 10 and under

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Last year the weather condition was Partly cloudy.