Canoe Creek Races
Join us on 08/01/2025
(race date estimated)Canoe Creek Races Description
INDIVIDUALS & TEAM TRIATHLON PARTICIPANTS ONLY: We will use the chip for the individual and team participants. Individuals: you will be given a race number as well, please wear on the RUN PORTION to help volunteers and staff know whom is participating in the race and for emergency purposes. Teams must pass their chips from person to person. Swimmer and biker will need to have body marked while RUNNER must wear bib number.
TRIATHLETES & DUATHLETES: You have the choice to select a cotton shirt or unisex tech shirt for this race when registering before PRE-REGISTRATION rates. You must write "cotton" beside your shirt size on your race brochure if you would like to opt for a cotton shirt and not a tech shirt. If registering online you MUST contact the YMCA (695-4467 and ask for Frank Kopriva) if you decide to select a cotton shirt as you will automatically be registered with a tech shirt. Tech shirts will be unisex sizing.
Online registration closes at 11:00AM on Friday, August 2.
Racers must wear race number to show that you are a race participant. You will have a certain color bib pertaining to what race you are participating in. If you want to change races, you may do so by calling the Blair Regional YMCA at 695-4467 before race day. NO CHANGES ON RACE DAY! If you lose your bib or need a new one issued, for any reason, there will be a $5 fee assessed. For safety reasons, headsets of any kind and pets are not permitted.
NO race registration reimbursements. Remember, if you cannot make it to the event, your registration fee is going towards a good cause.
Individual Triathlon: Minimum age requirements to participate in the triathlon is 16 years old.
Swim - Open water ½ mile out and back course in Canoe Creek. Wet-suits are permitted. This is a challenging swim so if you have not swam in open water before; we highly recommend you practice before race. All participants must wear the swim cap provided.
Bike - Helmets are required and absolutely no headsets of any kind are allowed. The bike portion is a rolling 13 mile loop. Caution-no roads are closed to traffic so PLEASE keep your eyes open at all times. One small section does use a major road so please be aware of your surroundings, and you must stay to the far right at all times unless you are trying to pass someone. When passing another rider, please look behind you to make sure it is clear to pass. If you get passed, please do not try to stay with that rider. There must be at least a couple bike lengths between all riders. We will have motorcycles riding around to make sure no drafting is occurring. Must wear your race number to show that you are a race participant.
Run - Course is a rolling 5k with a big hill towards the end. No headsets of any kind are allowed, if you are found with them on, you will not get a finishing time! Water stations will be available in Transition Area and near the halfway point on the run. Must wear your race number to show that you are a race participant.
Team Triathlon: Minimum age requirements to participate in the triathlon is 16 years old.
Same courses as the Individual Triathlon. Teams may consist of up to 3 members. Separate registrations are required for each team member and all team members will receive a race t-shirt (while supplies last). One team payment covers all the team members. *Must check the “I will be participating on a Team” box. You will stage in the “Team Staging Area”. Each team member MUST stay in the staging area until teammate tags the next team member.
Duathlon (2 Mile Run, 13 Mile Bike, 5k Run) - The first run portion of the race consists of 2 miles (same course as the walk). Start for the duathlon is at 7:55AM and will be at the top of the transition area where the 5k and 2 mile walk starts. Once you run back into the park you will be directed to the transition area to complete the same 13 mile bike course the triathletes complete. After the bike portion you will complete the same 5k course as the triathletes.
5k Run and 2 Mile Walk: Be aware the 5k course is the same as the triathletes, there is a slight chance you will be on the courses at the same time so please stay as far the right as all times. Must wear your race number to show that you are a race participant. No headsets of any kind are allowed, if you are found with them on, you will not get a finishing time!
Race packets will be available for pick up starting the Thursday before the race, at the Blair Regional YMCA. You may also pick-up your packet on race day at Canoe Creek State Park; however, we recommend you come as early as 7am to give yourself time to set up. Race day registration will be at the bottom of the parking lot in the main beach area.
Awards will be given out immediately following the race. We will be awarding medals for the following categories: Top 3 overall Individual Triathlon & Duathlon winners and top three males & females in each of the following age categories: 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 & Over
Awards will also be given out to the 5k run & 2m walk overall top finishers as well as the top three male and female finishers in the following age categories: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over
Awards winners are asked to remain for the Awards Ceremony as no awards will be mailed.
We are looking for volunteers to help as road marshals along the race course. As a road marshal you will receive a race t-shirt and food after the race. Ask a friend, family member or co-worker to come along with you and enjoy all the excitement of helping out and cheering on the race participants!
If you are interested in volunteering for the race or have any questions, please contact Frank at 695-4467. We thank you in advance for your volunteered time!
Canoe Creek State Park; 205 Canoe Creek Rd, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Triathletes may use the parking lots to the left and right side of the Transition Area. 5k and 2 Mile Walk participants will be asked to park in the field to the right across from the FINISH LINE area. PLEASE BE CAREFUL LEAVING THE PARK AFTER FINISH, THE TRIATHLON WILL STILL BE GOING ON!

- Location: Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
- Race Date: 2020/08/01 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Triathlon
- Duathlon
- 5K Run
- 2 Mile Walk

Canoe Creek Races Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.