CAP5K Rochester MN
Join us on 09/28/2025
(race date estimated)CAP5K Rochester MN Race Description
CAP is devoted specifically to children living with the incurable autoimmune hair loss disease, Alopecia. We would like our CAP Kids to grow in confidence and to become stronger teens and more productive adults, maybe even future advocates of alopecia. We accomplish this by building self-esteem, providing support and raising awareness.
The Mission of the Children's Alopecia Project (CAP) is to help any child in need who is living with hair loss due to all forms of alopecia.
T-Shirt and Nu Go Nutrition Bars
$45.00 Per Adult
$25.00 Per Child

- Location: Rochester, MN 55904
- Race Date: 2019/09/28 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Race
- Kids 1K

CAP5K Rochester MN Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Light rain shower.