Carry Your Own Water Walk by Indie Green
Join us on 08/21/2025
(race date estimated)Carry Your Own Water Walk by Indie Green Race Description
Overview: Indie Green will host the Carry Your Own Water Walk 3k will be held in the different cities. We plan to grow the festival into a marketplace of green initiatives, cool vendors and healthier options. Why? “Every day, women and girls spend 200 million hours walking to collect water for their families. That’s 8.3 million days. More than 22,800 years. It’s hard to get your head around numbers that large, so start instead with 6 Kilometers. 6K, a little more than 3.7 miles, is the average distance round trip women and children in the developing world walk for water — water that is often contaminated with life threatening diseases. 44 pounds is the weight an African woman carries on her head in a 20-liter can. Carrying water is not just difficult, it’s a lifelong pain in the neck ) figurative or literal. General Event Details Indie Green will be introducing the first ever “Carry Your Own Water Walk”, the idea came from Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop. – African Proverb . This will be a walk/run plus an outdoor experience. Each contestant starts off with .5 -2 gallons of water. Contestants can purchase water from the organization or bring their own water. Contestants are required to carry atleast .5 gallon of water per arm if able. Each contestant will try to carry as much water as desired to the finish line. Our organization and others will make a donation for each amount of water accumulated at the end. The Carry Your Own Water Walk focuses on self care and mental health while encouraging a healthy lifestyle! Contestants are allowed to drink the water during the run/walk and the remaining water will be put into a sanitized solution container where the water will be measured by gallon. The more gallons of water the larger the donation. We will have several organizations to donate to and you can help us choose! At the end of the 3k run/walk there will be an outdoor experience with vendors, food, artisans and a water balloon fight! And of course we’ll have the best entertainment provided by Spring UrbanFest.

- Location: Norcross, GA 30071
- Race Date: 2021/08/21 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Novice

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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.