Cellcom Green Bay Virtual Marathon and Relay
Participate by 05/16/2025
(race date estimated)Cellcom Green Bay Virtual Marathon and Relay Race Description
The Cellcom Green Bay Marathon events will be held virtually in 2021.
We've added a new challenge to our list of events this year! Complete a combined total of 100 miles by running, walking, biking, or any combination of those modalities during the month of May for the 100 Miles in May Challenge!
Participants can choose from multiple packet options.
Registration is closed for all categories except the Basic Marathon, Basic Half Marathon, and Basic 5K.
Any Individual Distance- (Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K, 100 Miles in May Challenge)
Full Packet $45 includes entry fee, medal, bib, shirt, postage
Medal Only Packet $38 includes entry fee, medal, bib, postage
Basic Packet $25 includes entry fee, digital bib
Marathon Relay- (2-5 team members)
Full Packet $130 includes entry fee, 5 medals, 5 bibs, 5 shirts, postage x5 SOLD OUT
Medal Only Packet $93 includes entry fee, 5 medals, 5 bibs, postage x5 SOLD OUT
Basic Packet $25 includes entry fee x 5 digital bibs
Half Marathon Relay- (2 team members)
Full Packet $72 includes entry fee, 2 medals, 2 shirts, 2 bibs, postage x2
Medal Only Packet $55 includes entry fee, 2 medals, 2 bibs, postage x 2
Basic Packet $25 includes entry fee, 2 digital bibs
Festival Foods Kids' Challenge
Festival Foods Kids' Challenge $15 includes entry fee, medal, shirt, a month of daily activities, postage
Individual event packets will be mailed in late April. Participants will have the month of May to complete their event and submit their time.
*Submitting race results is optional.
The 100 Miles in May Challenge participants can enter their daily miles to track their distance throughout the month.
*Submitting the milage is optional.
Due to limited quantities, all events have strict capacities. Registration closes at midnight on April 18, 2021.
- Location: Anywhere
- Race Date: 2021/05/16 11:59:00 PM (Sunday)
- Marathon Full Package
- Marathon Medal Only
- Marathon Basic
- Half Marathon Full Package
- Half Marathon Medal Only
- Half Marathon Basic
- CGBM 100 Miles in May Challenge

Cellcom Green Bay Virtual Marathon and Relay
Cellcom Green Bay Virtual Marathon and Relay Reviews
Most Helpful Review
Love this Race!
I love this event! The last two years were virtual due to the pandemic but this race historically has always been a great experience. The course, the volunteers, the workers all are class acts. Totally worth the registration fee to run through Lambeau Field.
Love this Race!
I love this event! The last two years were virtual due to the pandemic but this race historically has always been a great experience. The course, the volunteers, the workers all are class acts. Totally worth the registration fee to run through Lambeau Field.
View all Cellcom Green Bay Virtual Marathon and Relay reviews.