Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K

Join us on 10/05/2025

(race date estimated)

Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K Race Description

Join the TFBC family as we run, jog, or walk together! 

Saturday, October 5th at 11:00am

Free Online Registration is NOW OPEN!

Online Registration will CLOSE Friday, October 4th at 9:00pm.


This 5k (3.2 miles) is fully paved beginning at Maple Wood Park off of Greenhurst Rd in Nampa. The route follows the Nampa to Stoddard Trail South, turns West, and then turns back at the half-way point. The portion of the route after turning West has light and brief incline changes. The route is a public trail and most likely will have other biking, running, and walking traffic. 

Check out the Race Map here

This a family-friendly event, so feel free to bring the whole family. Bikes, scooters, and parents with strollers are welcome! During the race, we will have spotters to guide racers along the route. 


If you will not be participating in the race, please consider volunteering! We need shuttle bus drivers, several race spotters, and start and finish line helpers. Click the Volunteer button for more information. 


Runners should be dropped of or shuttled to the starting line at Maple Wood Park. There is parking on Stonehenge Drive. There will be a shuttle from the Kendall residence to the starting line before the race begins, so feel free to park at the Kendall home before the race. Be early to give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go. The shuttle will then return anyone needing it back to the Kendall residence.


Following the race join us at the Kendall's for snacks and fellowship. If you are able, please bring an easy snack to share for our post-race celebration. 


Packet pick up will be Sunday, September 29th. Your race tee shirt, if you ordered one, will be included with your packet.

Please Note: You may pick up packets for your friends and relatives, just let them know you are doing it for them. 

There is NO race day registration!

Get ready for the Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K

    Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K Where & When

  • Location: Star, ID 83669
  • Race Date: 2024/10/05 11:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Adult Runner (13+ yrs)
    • Child Runner (0-13 yrs)
    • Adult Jogger/Walker (13+ yrs)
    • Child Jogger/Walker (0-13 yrs)

Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K Reviews

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Star, ID Weather

Star, ID current weather
  • Clear 53.3℉ Clear

  • Join us at the Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K in October for a great race. The Christ 4 All - TFBC 5K works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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