Color Me Run to Read 5K
Join us on 11/12/2025
(race date estimated)Color Me Run to Read 5K Race Description
The Einstein School is a unique, non-profit, tuition-free, charter school that specializes in serving at-risk children who struggle with dyslexia or reading difficulties. These disabilities can overwhelm a child and greatly affect their future. This is evident when one considers that 80% of prison inmates are illiterate. We also know that with the right kind of help, people with reading disabilities can be highly successful. In fact, 30% of great entrepreneurs have significant reading disabilities such as John Chambers, founder of Cisco, David Neeleman, founder of Jet Blue, and Paul Orfalea, founder of Kinkos. The Einstein School is committed to helping children overcome their disabilities and become successful community members:
Einstein School educates 110 students in Alachua County
50% of their students are on free and reduced lunches
Einstein School is free to all enrolled children
Einstein School provides 1:7 teacher ratio for all students as well as occupational, speech and language therapy to those with significant needs
You can be a part of this vital endeavor by participating in the Color Me Run to Read 5K the 3rd Annual Color Run 5K Run & Walk on November 12, 2016, at Westside Baptist Church in Gainesville. This event will bring together many runners, families of the Einstein School, students from DECA, the Entrepreneurship Academy at Buchholz HS and Westside Baptist Church. There will be food and other post-race festivities for the entire family following the race.
Jay Higginbotham, Nick Bennett, and Garrett Hastings are members of DECA and organizing this race to educate the community about dyslexia and solutions found at the Einstein School as well as to raise money for this school. Nick is a graduate of the school and is now an honors/AP student at Buchholz HS as well as a member of the Academy of Entrepreneurship. This would not have been possible without the program at The Einstein School.
Will you help us help these children? Tax deductible Cash contributions can be made by making checks payable to Community Foundation of North Central Florida and put Einstein School run in the memo. The checks can be sent to Einstein Run c/o Nick Bennett, 9525 SW 50th Rd. Gainesville, FL 32608.
We look forward to your participation in this project that will impact children’s lives for years to come. Please feel free to contact our Registration Coordinator at

- Location: Gainesville, FL 32606
- Race Date: 2016/11/12 08:30:00 AM (Saturday)
- Color Run/Walk 5k

Color Me Run to Read 5K Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Thundery outbreaks possible.