Cross Roads Young Marines DDR 5K
Join us on 10/26/2025
(race date estimated)Cross Roads Young Marines DDR 5K Race Description
The Cross Roads Young Marines are hosting our annual 5K walk/run at Comanche Trail Park in Big Spring, TX to promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle and to commemorate Enrique "KiKi" Camerena and the sacrifice he and thousands of agents and officers make daily to make our world and communities a safer place.
The Young Marines DDR (Drug Demand Reduction) Dash 5K is part of our national Red Ribbon Week efforts and living a healthy and drug-free lifestyle is one of the pillars of the Young Marine program. The Young Marines "Closing the Date on Drugs" initiative focuses our drug demand reduction efforts on raising awareness of common gateway drugs that are either in homes or neighborhoods.
For more information on the Young Marines or to find a unit near you
See YOU at the race!
Registration $30
Help show you're proud to be DRUG FREE!
Young Marines are a non profit 501 C3 youth program.
Get ready for the Cross Roads Young Marines DDR 5K
- Location: Big Spring, TX 79720
- Race Date: 2024/10/26 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Youth
- Teen
- Adult
- Senior
Cross Roads Young Marines DDR 5K Where & When
Cross Roads Young Marines DDR 5K Reviews
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