DDR Dash 5K - 2022
Join us on 10/15/2025
(race date estimated)DDR Dash 5K - 2022 Race Description
The South Plains Young Marines are hosting a 5K walk/run at Mackenzie Park in Lubbock, TX to promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle and to commemorate Enrique "KiKi" Camerena and the sacrifice him and thousands of agents and officers make daily to make our world a safer place.
The South Plains Young Marines DDR Dash & After Party is open to runners/walkers and to the general public. Runners can either sign up individually or be part of a team. Early bird pricing is listed on this registration form and day of registration may be available if space allows. Be sure to follow our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/southplainsym for up to date information on race openings. Race participants must check in between 7:00 and 8:00 AM at the Race Check-In Table. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, in each category, will receive a medal and certificate. First 100 runners to sign up will receive a 2022 event t-shirt.
The Young Marines DDR (Drug Demand Reduction) Dash 5K is part of our national Red Ribbon Week efforts and living a healthy and drug-free lifestyle is one of the pillars of the Young Marine program. The Young Marines "Closing the Date on Drugs" initiative focuses our drug demand reduction efforts on raising awareness of common gateway drugs that are either in homes or neighborhoods.
For a detailed list of events happening throughout the day, please check out our Facebook page or visit our website at www.southplainsym.org/ddrdash.
See YOU at the race!

- Location: Lubbock, TX 79403
- Race Date: 2022/10/15 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Adult
- Youth
- Teens
- South Plains Young Marines
- Teams (3-10 people)
- Team of 11+ people

DDR Dash 5K - 2022 Where & When
DDR Dash 5K - 2022 Sponsors
Event Sponsor

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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.