Diamond's BEdazzled Walk/Run
Join us on 04/22/2025
(race date estimated)Diamond's BEdazzled Walk/Run Race Description
Welcome to Diamonds of Distinction 2nd Annual
BEdazzled Walk/Run
April 22, 2017
Don't Come to Sweat, Come to 'Sparkle'! Wear your BEdazzled running gear and come 'Shine' with us!
Mike Lewis Park
2410 N. Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
5K / 1K - Adults
Early Registration - $23 (sale ends March 1st)
After March 1st - $33
Race Day April 22nd - $40
5K / 1K - Chlid (under 12)
Early Registration - $20 (sale ends March 1st)
After March 1st - $30
Race Day April 22nd - $38
Teams consisting of 10 or more members will receive a 10% discount (all team members MUST register at the same time to receive discount).
**All participants must register by March 24th to guarantee a t-shirt.**
Race Day Schedule:
7:15 am Registration opens
8:00 am 1K run starts
8:40 am 5K warm up
9:00 am 5K run starts
Team Captains:
Please register all team members at the same time in order to receive discount.
BEdazzled Party immediately after race where prizes and awards will be given.
Prizes and Awards:
BEdazzled costume contest for the best dressed.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Prizes given to best-BEdazzled individual.
Largest Team Award
Largest Fundraiser - Individual
Largest Fundraiser - Team
Parking available in multiple lots within the park for free.
Packet Pickup:
Pick up your packets during the pickup dates to BEdazzle your shirt beforehand at
Dalworth Recreation Center- 2012 Spikes St Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
Dates and Times TBA
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this event please, fill out the Sponsorship Letter Packet and return to us as soon as possible at bedazzled@diamondsofdistinction.org

- Location: Grand Prairie, TX 75050
- Race Date: 2017/04/22 12:00:00 PM (Saturday)
- 5K / 1K - Adult (12 years and older)
- 5K / 1K - Child (under 12 years)

Diamond's BEdazzled Walk/Run Where & When
Diamond's BEdazzled Walk/Run Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.