Dodge Bunny Hop
Join us on 03/30/2025
(race date estimated)Dodge Bunny Hop Race Description
The Catholic Order of Foresters, Sacred Heart Olean Court 1737, welcomes all runners, joggers, and walkers to participate in the 2024 Annual Holy Saturday, Bunny Hop. This event is for all ages and offers an opportunity for faith, family, and community connections. We will once again be having an egg hunt with fun filled faith-based prizes. This year’s Feeding God’s Children t-shirts are Teal.
This year’s theme is Feeding God’s Children, we answered the call Matthew 25: 35-40, which is a year-round effort to feed people spiritually, physically, and mentally while serving and caring for the community. We welcome all members of our community and surrounding communities to participate. Please have all registration forms returned by March 27, 2024. All are welcome to register the morning of the Bunny Hop at any time. Those who would like to run virtually can get a t-shirt mailed to them if they chose to do so.
The Catholic Order of Foresters is a century old Catholic fraternal benefit life insurance society dedicated to providing members with financial security and opportunities for spiritual, social, and charitable growth. Sacred Heart Olean Court 1737 is a not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to uniting people who share a common bond and providing them with opportunities for financial security and community service. Ways to join include buying an annuity or life insurance policy, which allows you to leave a legacy to your parish, support your local school, and perhaps most importantly, secure your family’s financial future. Other benefits include scholarship opportunities, tuition assistance, member magazine, art contests, discount prescription program, discounted long-term care health services, and other policy specific living benefits. You are eligible for most of these benefits from the moment you become a COF member. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Order of Foresters or becoming a member, please reach out to Court 1737's Chief Ranger, Danny Kluthe at (402) 720-3425.
If you have any need for a Community Outreach, Spirituality Tap-In, or Feeding God’s Children fundraising event, please let us know. We also sponsor Matching Funds events where COF matches a certain amount of the funds raised. Our community has received and been a part of numerous opportunities for these faith and service events, and we look forward to working with and beside you as we Feed God’s Children. We hope this year's Bunny Hop brings beautiful weather with families and friends near-and-far to help raise money for Sacred Heart Olean Court 1737's future community offerings.
- Location: Dodge, NE 68633
- Race Date: 2024/03/30 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Dodge Bunny Hop
Dodge Bunny Hop Where & When
Dodge, NE Weather