Elliott's Angels Stars of the Night 5.08K
Join us on 06/08/2025
(race date estimated)Elliott's Angels Stars of the Night 5.08K Race Description
Welcome Back Returnees!! And Welcome New comers!! Our 3nd Annual 5.08K Walk to raise money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis families. We choose to host a 5.08K over any other fundraising efforts because we knew as parents of a CFer we need to set an example for Elliott and other kids. Why 5.08k and not a 5K, because Elliott has a Double DeltaF580 Mutation of Cystic Fibrosis and we wanted to specialize the run/walk. Living a healthy life style and keeping the lungs healthy is priority especially for those with Cystic Fibrosis. It is our sincere hope to reach out and raise awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Community across Michigan through donating to the Friends and Families of CF Foundation as well as Elliott's Angels giving the local CFers a chance to just be a kid as often as possible. Our goal is 100 registered runners for this event. Get out your flash lights for the Stars of the night hike on the Manton Pines RV property. Who do you walk for? wear your own shirt to support them if you'd like!
Elliott is six years old who started kindergarten at Manton Elementary School in Manton, MI this year. He enjoys running and laughing with his sister and cousins, reading books, going on hikes and to the beach and movie nights with his mom and dad. His family and friends help to keep him busy while doing treatments weather it is a video game or playing with cars. His latest adventure was baseball, and he loved it very much! There wasn't a ball that was hit that he did not try to run and get! Even ran past all of his teammates still on base, to score a home-run....a couple times.
He was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at five days old and was born with a meconium ileus. After many surgery’s and procedures, he came home from the hospital at almost 5 months old. Elliott doesn’t enjoy his treatments, but needs them to survive. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited life-shortening and life-threatening disease that damages the lungs, digestive system, pancreas, and other organs. It is incurable, with Elliott he can do whatever he wants if we put his medical care first, however, this is not always going to be the case. When Elliott isn’t busy with treatments, therapies, doctor visits or suffering through flare-ups (which can result in two-week hospital stays for “tune-ups”), he is able to be a kid. He spends two to three hours each day doing treatments and therapies. The median lifespan of a child with CF is 42 years old.
This is a fun 5.08k walk/hike, We encourage you to come out on June 7th & 8th to enjoy the Starts of the Night 5.08K and a weekend full off FUN for the whole family!
Online registration is available here https://www.raceentry.com/races/elliotts-angels-stars-of-the-night-508k/2019/register
Friday- June 7, 2019
2:00 P.M.- Camper & Motel/cabin check-in.
4:00-7:00 P.M.- Registration for Stars of the Night 5.08k
7:15 P.M.- Last call for registration
8:00 P.M.- Stars of the Night 5.08k begins
8:30-11:00 P.M.- Snacks, drinks, social bon fire and fun after race
Saturday- June 8, 2019
10:00A.M.- Registration for Warrior Ride
11:00 A.M.- Ride leave from Manton Pines
12:00 P.M.- Kids Kick Off begins
1:00 P.M.- Kids lunch
4:30ish P.M.- Riders return
5:30-9:00 P.M.- Pig Roast Dinner and Silent Auction
9:00-11:00 P.M.- Social bon fire
More Specifics!!
Friday June 7th, 2019
Stars of the Night 5.08K
At the 3rd annual Elliott’s Angels 5.08K this year you will walk, hike or jog through the trails of Manton Pines finding the Stars of the Night, learning about Cystic Fibrosis and enjoy the beautiful Manton Pines!
Competitive runners are encouraged to join, as this will be good prep for a future half marathon!
Join us after for a bon fire, snacks & drinks!
The cost is just $25 per person and includes an Elliott’s Angels t-shirt!
***Register for ALL events by May 17th to ensure you receive a T-Shirt!
Online registration is available here https://www.raceentry.com/races/elliotts-angels-stars-of-the-night-508k/2019/register
Registration can be done in person or through the mail. Just email us!
Special discounts for families, email and ask as about the discounts.
Call 989-619-5440, @elliottsangels508 or E-mail at elliottsangels@outlook.com
Please make all checks payable to: Elliott’s Angels
Reservations for Lodging @ Manton Pines:
Call (231) 577-1658
Address: 9889 N 39 Rd, Manton, MI (Say you are with the Warriors!)
Saturday June 8th, 2019
Warrior Ride
Bring your Side-by-side, Jeep, Truck (whatever you prefer) and enjoy a beautiful trail-led ride taking in the lovely scenic overlooks the area has to offer
including the beautiful pines and Manistee river.
The cost is just $25 per person and includes an Elliott’s Angels t-shirt!
*FREE* Kids Kick-off the Summer
12:00PM Welcome!!
12:15PM Free Play
1:00PM Lunch & Clean up
1:45PM Scavenger hunt
3:00PM Ice Cream
3:30PM Crafts
4:15PM - 5PM Dance party & Bounce house (rest time if needed)
Please email elliottsangels@outlook.com to help with a head count for food if possible. All are welcome
Saturday June 8th continued….
Pig Roast &
Silent Auction
Pig Roast
All are welcome!
Taking place at the pavilion of Manton Pines
Recommended $15 donation per family
Please email elliottsangels@outlook.com to help with a head count for food if possible. All are welcome!
Anyone willing to bring a dish to pass and/or dessert, please let us know!
Silent Auction
The Silent Auction will be held during the Pig Roast with many items available for auction, both individual and baskets filled as themes!
Anyone willing to donate a silent auction item or themed basket, please let us know!
Online registration is available here https://www.raceentry.com/races/elliotts-angels-stars-of-the-night-508k/2019/register
We truly hope you will join us in supporting Elliott's Angels and Friends and Families of Cystic Fibrosis and create awareness by participating in this event. T
If you cannot make it to the race but still wish to donate, you may do so at: https://www.raceentry.com/races/elliotts-angels-stars-of-the-night-508k/2019/register/charity/standalone

- Location: Manton, MI 49663
- Race Date: 2019/06/08 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5.08K Walk
- Warrior Ride
- Both Warrior Ride and 5.08K Walk
- Kids kick off the summer

Elliott's Angels Stars of the Night 5.08K Where & When
Elliott's Angels Stars of the Night 5.08K Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.