Emotions in Motion 5K - Minneapolis
Join us on 08/06/2025
(race date estimated)Emotions in Motion 5K - Minneapolis Race Description
SAVE's 5K Run/Walks take place in communities across the State of MN, with the proceeds benefiting Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE). By participating in one of SAVE's 5K's you will be raising money for SAVE's many educational programs to prevent suicide through public awareness and education, reduce stigma and serve as a resource for those touched by suicide.
Depression is a treatable medical illness marked by changes in mood, thoughts, energy and behavior that affects more than 23 million adult Americans each year. It is the most common serious brain disease in the United States.
Registration: https://save.donordrive.com/event/812

- Location: Minneapolis, MN 55409
- Race Date: 2022/08/06 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K

Emotions in Motion 5K - Minneapolis Where & When
Emotions in Motion 5K - Minneapolis Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Moderate or heavy rain shower.