ER 50 Race Description
Welcome to the inaugural ER 50 Mile and 50K developed by the Race Directors of the MAD Backyard Ultra and the Locomotion Endurance Event. The ER 50M/K is an out-and-back course starting at Camp Jordan in East Ridge. The 50M/K will follow the South Chickamauga Greenway for 12 miles to the Chattanooga Riverwalk that follows the Tennessee River. This will be one of the most scenic greenway runs you will ever partake in. The course is set to amaze and allow all participants to complete the race. The course is flat and runnable with a few hills. Come and conquer your goals and maybe even achieve a PR.
16 HOUR CUTOFF FOR BOTH 50 MILE AND 50K - Very Doable!!!
- Location: East Ridge, TN 37412
- Race Date: 2025/02/01 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)

ER 50 Where & When
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