Footprints of Hope

Join us on 04/06/2025

(race date estimated)

Footprints of Hope Race Description

Hello, my name is Sam Adams and I am a senior attending my final year of high school at Christian Life School in Kenosha, Wisconsin. As part of my senior capstone project, I'm organizing an impactful 5k run/walk event called "Footprints of Hope'' at Central Park in my hometown of Grayslake, Illinois. While this event is not fully affiliated with my school, it's a personal moment to raise awareness about the critical need for shoes, particularly in African communities. My primary goal for this event is to raise money for the organization Soles for Jesus, which sends and distributes shoes to people in need in Africa. This organization has a purpose to also spread the word of Jesus as they distribute the shoes. 

This running event is on Saturday April 6th from 9 AM - 12 PM, and the cost for admissions for a single participant is $20, couples are $35, and families (3+ people) are $45. 1 lap of the course is 1.375 and you are invited to run as many laps as you would like. This cost includes registration to run in the event, water, Gatorade, snacks such as bagels, and fruit, and a large portion of the money will be donated to Soles for Jesus. All ages and experience levels are welcome! Please bring family, friends, and anyone you know to have an enjoyable time and contribute towards the cause of donating shoes to people in need of them in Africa. This is a not-for-profit event intended to make an impact on the lack of shoes in the world and also to spread the Word of God! See you there on Saturday April 6th!

Get ready for the Footprints of Hope

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    Footprints of Hope Where & When

  • Location: Grayslake, IL 60030
  • Race Date: 2024/04/06 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Individual
    • Couple
    • Family (3+ people)

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Grayslake, IL Weather

Grayslake, IL current weather
  • Mist 38.9℉ Mist

  • Join us at the Footprints of Hope in April for a great race. The Footprints of Hope works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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