Participate by 10/21/2025
(race date estimated)FREE MOVEMENT - GOTV 5K Race Description
Soles to the Polls is a creative action that is taking it to the streets this election season for the 6.1 million Americans barred from voting because of state restrictions on people with felony convictions.
As part of this “virtual 5K,” we’re asking you to run or walk a suggested 5 kilometers (or 3.1 miles) to your neighborhood polling place while wearing your “Soles to the Poles” T-shirt, and talk with anyone who asks why. Once you’re done, snap your best finish-line selfie to share with thousands of activists around the country, using the hashtag #soles2poles.
By running together, we create a movement together for true democracy, where everyone has a voice in their government.
Here’s how it works
- Register for the 5K. For every registration we’ll donate $5.00 to a grassroots organization fighting for voting rights. We’ll also mail you a cool “Soles to the Poles” T-shirt, and helpful tips on organizing your run.
- Do your run/walk by election day, Tuesday, November 8th, 2016.
- Wear the shirt we send you! Once you’ve arrived at your destination post a photo of yourself with the hashtag #Soles2Polls, and go vote.
Why join Soles to Polls?
The Sentencing Project just released a report and the findings are stark: In Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia, more than 1 in 5 African Americans can't vote. In Florida alone, 1.7 million people are disenfranchised because of a former felony conviction.
Together, we’ll be supporting true democracy, and speaking for the more than 6 million Americans who don’t have a voice in government, even after they’ve served their debt to society.
Follow Free Movement on Facebook and learn more about our organization at Working Narratives.
- Location: Anywhere
- Race Date: 2016/10/21 02:56:00 PM (Friday)
- GOTV organizer
- Door Knocking
- Lead Organizer
- Moblizing