Friends of The Poor 5k Walk/Run
Join us on 10/06/2025
(race date estimated)Friends of The Poor 5k Walk/Run Race Description
Join us for our Annual 5k Walk/Run for the benefit of Calvert County residents in need. Registration begins at 7:30 AM and the Walk/Run begins at 8:00
Calverton School Athletic Field, 300 Calverton Road, Huntingtown, MD
Check-in/Registration begins at 7:30 AM. Timed run starts at 8:00 AM all others start at 8:15 AM onward until 11:00 AM
Entry fee is a donation of only $25 per participant (includes a T-Shirt!!)
Make checks payable to St. Katherine Drexel Conference, 885 Cox Rd. Huntingtown MD 20639
$25 Registration fee waived for sponsorship raised over $100!
Click here to donate or register!
Call Renee O’Neill at 443-684-9261 with questions or more info
St. Katherine Drexel Conference of St. Vincent dePaul Society is a nonprofit organization helping those living in poverty in Calvert County. Your support towards this cause will benefit many in need. St. Katherine Drexel Conference served over 105 individuals in Calvert County this year, including the elderly and children. We have disbursed approximately $9,000 in assistance this year. Including the assistance with, transitioning from being homeless to securing housing, avoiding eviction, health care, electric & water, food, transportation and much more. In the spirit of compassion for the needy in our community, the event is the major fundraising event to benefit them. To that end runners/walkers and all participants are encouraged to solicit sponsorships for their participation. Our goal this year is to raise $15,000 in funds to be able to expand our outreach to those in need in Calvert County. One hundred percent of the proceeds and donations from the event will directly benefit the people in the Calvert County area served by St. Katherine Drexel Conference, there are no administrative fees.

- Location: Huntingtown, MD 20639
- Race Date: 2018/10/06 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Charity

Friends of The Poor 5k Walk/Run Where & When
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