Georgia Ridge Runner
Join us on 12/05/2025
(race date estimated)Georgia Ridge Runner Race Description
The Ridge Runner is an individual rucksack race and each event will host at least 2 competitive distances at each location. Awards for the top finishers for in each distance for both M/F.
Competitive Distance (will vary from location to location)
- 3 miles
- 6 miles
Mandatory Gear List
All participants will arrive with their own ruck sack w/predesignated weight. All other items such as camelbacks, food, nutritional supplements, etc., are optional. There will be water stations throughout each course.
All rucks will get weighted prior to the start of the event and also weighted at the completion of the event.
- For Men: 30lbs
- For Women: 20lbs

- Location: Dawsonville, GA 30534
- Race Date: 2020/12/05 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Ridge Runner 5k
- Ridge Runner 10k

Georgia Ridge Runner Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
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 - May 24th, 2025Cason's Cause Inc.
 - Apr 5th, 2025Born to Run 5K
 - May 17th, 2025I Am a Father 5K
 - Jun 7th, 2025The Proving Grounds Clinton House
 - Oct 4th, 2025The Proving Grounds Championship
 - Dec 7th, 2025Pups for Prevention
 - Apr 26th, 2025Norwegian Foot March
 - Apr 17th, 2025Dawsonville, GA Weather
Last year the weather condition was Light snow.