Glacier 10k and 1 mile Race Description
1 mile - Out and back course along Glacier Spur Rd. 10 a.m. start at the Mendenhall Glacier parking lot.
10k 10:30 a.m. start after the 1 mile race. The course is an out and back starting along Glacier Spur Rd. from the Mendenhall Glacier parking lot. Turn right onto Back Loop road and continue to approximately 0.3 miles past the Montana Creek Intersection. Head back along the same route staying on the right outbound, and the left returning.
Save money by registering on-line by 8 p.m. the night before the race.
Adults $15 pre-registration; Same day $20
Youth $5 on-line and day of
JTRR member discount not available for this fundraiser.
This event is part of the NAOC series.
All or part of this event is located on the Tongass National Forest
- Location: Juneau, AK 99802
- Race Date: 2025/03/29 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Glacier 1 mile 19 & older
- Glacier 1 mile 18 & under
- Glacier 10k 19 & older
- Glacier 10k 18 & under
Glacier 10k and 1 mile Where & When
Juneau, AK Weather
Last year the weather condition was Light rain shower.