Glow Fun Run

Join us on 07/22/2025

(race date estimated)

Glow Fun Run Race Description

The 3rd Annual El Paso Child Guidance Center Glow Fun Run will take place in the middle of the beautiful El Paso desert at Painted Dunes Golf Club. 




The Glow Fun Run is a family-friendly, community oriented event, hosting carnival activities for all ages that begins just before sunset with the race/walk ending the event.  We will have shirt decorating for the run/walk participants along with costume contests, face painting, inflatable attractions, food and drink, music and entertainment and more.  The bonus?  All proceeds benefit the El Paso Child Guidance Center.




Join us for black lights, glow sticks, neon and glow in the dark paints.  All while surrounded by great food and entertainment, face painting and shirt decorating.  Not racing?  Don’t worry! There will be plenty for you to do as well!




Our start and finish lines are positively glowing and the course features black light zones throughout the course.  You will have plenty of photo ops as you walk or run the courses. We even provide props!




The event is not timed making it ideal for both experienced and first-time participants.  Walkers and runners of all ages and athletic abilities are welcomed.

Gates open at 6:00 with walk/run starting at 8:00.  



on Monday 7/17 and Wednesday 7/19 from 12:00 to 1:30 at El Paso Electric, 100 N. Stanton lobby or on race day at Painted Dunes from 6 to 8.  See you there!

Get ready for the Glow Fun Run

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    Glow Fun Run Where & When

  • Location: El Paso, TX 79934
  • Race Date: 2017/07/22 08:00:00 PM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • 5K -18 & older
    • Fun walk - 18 and over
    • Fun walk - 17 and under
    • 5K -17 & under
    • 5K Run- Teams
    • 5K Fun Walk- Teams - 18 & over

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El Paso, TX Weather

Glow Fun Run weather history
  • Based on a 5 year average and a race date of July 22nd, El Paso, TX can expect temperatures between 84℉ and 93℉ with humidity around 71% and precipitation of 0.16".
    Last year the weather condition was Moderate or heavy rain shower.
  • El Paso, TX current weather
  • Clouds 78.8℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the Glow Fun Run in July for a great race. The Glow Fun Run works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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