Guadalupe Valley Young Marines DDR Dash
Join us on 10/19/2025
(race date estimated)Guadalupe Valley Young Marines DDR Dash Race Description
Enrique “Kiki” Camarena was a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent, who lost his life in the effort to keep harmful drugs off the streets of America. In commemoration of Kiki’s sacrifice, and in acknowledgment of the thousands of agents and officers just like him who strive to make our world a safer place, the Young Marines run the Drug Demand Reduction (DDR Dash) 5K as part of our national Red Ribbon Week efforts- this years theme is, "Running to be Drug Free!"
Young Marines wear those red bracelets to signify they will remain drug free and stand with Kiki to keep drugs out of our communities!
Join us in this Fun Run DDR Dash and help us raise money to continue our program, and allow our members to go camping, visit veterans, and participate in summer adventures including the Division 4 National Encampment located in Colorado next summer-2020.
$5 of every entry fee will be donated to Navarro High School's Cross Country Track team!!!
- All entrants will receive a goodie bag
- 1st place male and female winners will receive a Kiki Camarena Medal, 2nd and 3rd place will receive placing medals
The following are the categories (male and female):
- Elementary (K-3rd grades)
- Intermediate (4-6th grades)
- Jr High/High (7-12th grades)
- Adults (20 years old +)
This is a fun run and no official timer will be in place- we will have volunteers using stop watches.
The race will have a sign in table at 6450 N. State Hwy 123- in front of the Jr High Technology Building at Navarro Jr High. We will begin the race near the cafeteria of the Jr high.
Visit our website for more information about the Young Marines program at:

- Location: Seguin, TX 78155
- Race Date: 2019/10/19 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Racing to be Drug Free 5k

Guadalupe Valley Young Marines DDR Dash Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Cloudy.