Hit the Streets for Haiti Virtual 5k
Participate by 10/03/2025
(race date estimated)Hit the Streets for Haiti Virtual 5k Race Description
Hit the Streets for Haiti Virtual 5k is a virtual 5k with the purpose to raise money for Project Piti Pami, a non-profit organization whose mission is to help provide sustainable health care in Haiti through community education and training. All proceeds collected from the 5k will go towards supporting ongoing service projects in Haiti.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided as a public health organization to transform our in-person 1-day event into a week-long virtual event. Participants will be encouraged to run/walk the 5k on their own at a park or trail of their choosing between the dates of September 26, 2020 through October 3, 2020. Due to the complexity of a virtual 5k, we have decided to not distribute 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards. However, there is an optional running competition to be put in a raffle for free 3P gear, detailed below.
Registration: Click the button near the top of this page that says "Register"
Dates: September 26, 2020 through October 3, 2020
Price: $15.
Free Gear!!!: All registered racers will receive a complimentary Project Piti Pami cloth face mask sent by mail. Please "like" our Facebook page by clicking here - All registered racers who take a picture of themselves running and share it with @ProjectPitiPami on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram will be entered for a chance to receive free 3P gear during the week of the event.
Free Gear Competition!!! (optional): Still interested in enjoying the spirit of competition despite a virtual 5k? During the week of the event, send in a picture of your best time and your running/walking distance (5k / 3.1mi) on your favorite running application using your smart phone or smart watch. Pictures are to be sent to our Project Piti Pami phone number (810) 354-5424. All times will be placed on our website 3pHaiti.org/5k. Participants in this optional competition will be placed in a raffle to receive a free Project Piti Pami Bundle (t shirt, water bottle, pen, and pin). Don't have a running application? Try STRAVA, a free running application for your smart phone and smart watch.
Silent Auction: Our 5k silent auction will be taking place virtually over Facebook, so please stay tuned for more information.
Thank you so much for your participation. We look forward to seeing everyone running during the week!
- Location: Anywhere
- Race Date: 2020/10/03 11:45:00 PM (Saturday)
- 5k Runner/Walker