Just Add Color 5K
Join us on 04/22/2025
(race date estimated)Just Add Color 5K Race Description
Join us for a colorful morning run!
This is an un-timed 5K event, so bring the family* and walk or run through our colorful route
Your registration fee includes a t-shirt, sunglasses, and lots of color
(shirt sizes not guaranteed with registrations that occur after April 12th)
The race begins at 8:00 am. Please park in the rear parking lot of Henley Middle School, Crozet.
We are racing through beautiful Old Trail!
Check-in options:
- Race Day, 7-7:45 am, Henley MS
- Pre-Race, 6-7:30 pm, Old Trail Pool parking lot
*Children under 5 are free and welcome in jogging strollers (your stroller may end up quite colorful!)
ALL ages welcome to run our One-Mile Loop option!
All children under 12 must be supervised on the trail
Please, NO bikes or pets!
Visit our BAKE SALE after the race for something YUMMY!
Want to support us, but don't want to run? We are accepting Donations to off-set the costs of this event.
Suggested Donation Levels can be found on both the Individual and Team links.
Thank you for supporting our youth group!

- Location: Crozet, VA 22932
- Race Date: 2017/04/22 02:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- CHILD, BASIC (no t-shirt, age 5-11)
- YOUTH (age 5-17)
- ADULT (age 18+)
- DONOR: RED LEVEL (Adding runners? Select TEAM instead)
- DONOR: YELLOW LEVEL (1 runner run in 1st wave)
- DONOR: BLUE LEVEL, Non-runner (Sponsor a runner--THANKS!)
- DONOR: COLOR ZONE (Adding runners? Select TEAM instead)

Just Add Color 5K Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
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 - Dec 31st, 2025Children Swim Lessons - 4 Lessons
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 - May 10th, 2025Crozet, VA Weather
Last year the weather condition was Light rain.