Kanab City Youth Soccer
Join us on 09/09/2025
(race date estimated)Kanab City Youth Soccer Race Description
Kanab City Youth Soccer League (formerly Kane County Youth Soccer) is for children and youth ages 4-15 residing in Kane County, Utah and Fredonia, AZ (We have opened up through 9th grade this year). Our fifth season continues this Fall. Games will start September 9th and continue until October 28th. The registration fee is $25 per child. Please click above to register on-line. You may also register in person at the Kane County Attorney’s Office by August 22th. Each child will be provided a jersey at the game. Footwear (tennis shoes, other safe shoes or cleats, no baseball cleats), shin guards, socks covering the shin guards, and shorts without pockets are required. Four year olds, not yet enrolled in Kindergarten and Kindergartners will play a group or camp style and need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is willing to play with them. If you are willing to help coach or referee please let us know by answering yes on the registration form. Don’t worry, training will be provided. If you know of others that would be willing to volunteer please leave us a message below. Coaches, and Assistant Coaches may register one child for free. The registration fee will be reimbursed if you agree to serve and you have already paid through online registration. Please also indicate if you are willing to referee. Referees will have training and will be paid $10 per game. Although this registration page appears to be for races please don't worry about that. You are at the right place to register online for the soccer league.

- Location: Kanab, UT 84741
- Race Date: 2017/09/09 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Pre-K and Kindergarten
- First and Second Grade
- Third and Fourth Grade
- Fifth and Sixth Grade
- Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Grade

Kanab City Youth Soccer Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
 - Mar 29th, 2025SPRING TOUR
 - Apr 12th, 2025Salt to Saint Relay
 - Sep 20th, 2025Red Rock Rampage
 - Jul 12th, 2025Beaver Canyon Half Marathon - Beaver Utah
 - Jun 28th, 2025Cedar City Half Marathon & Adventure 5K
 - Sep 6th, 2025Cactus Hugger
 - Apr 26th, 2025FALL TOUR OF ST. GEORGE
 - Oct 25th, 2025Three Peaks Classic
 - May 17th, 2025Kanab, UT Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.