Kiwanis 5K Freedom Run
Join us on 07/04/2025
(race date estimated)Kiwanis 5K Freedom Run Race Description
The Kiwanis club of Tooele County is an organization that helps children in the county by way of a number of projects that we do throughout the year. Our Kiwanis 5 K freedom run is the largest fundraiser we do to help finance our projects. Kiwanis is an international organization helping children all over the world. The money from all of our local fundraising stays in Tooele County for Tooele County children. We the members of our local Kiwanis pay for our own dues and any International projects we donate to. 100% of our fundraising remains here.
Some of our projects throughout the year are; The baby care cupboard - We purchase diapers, wipes, lotions, and other items for families with babies. We keep the food bank stocked with these items. WIC and other programs cover other items like formula but no help with diapers and wipes. We fill that void. Hospital dolls; Our members and other volunteers sew up dolls with hospital gowns and the hospital gives them out to children in the emergency room to help calm them down. The kids can use crayons to give them faces and also match the injuries or problems they have on the dolls. Head Start Bags; In Dec. we help the children in the Head Start programs in Tooele and Grantsville by stuffing bags with warm hats and gloves, socks, stuffed animals, coloring books with crayons, and other items. The Great American Award; A school program for the 5th graders in some of the schools where the students memorize the presidents, capitals, the Pledge of elegance, preamble, and other things. The schools have an awards day for the children who participated and completed the tasks assigned. We help with the Children's Justice Center and other things that come up throughout the year. ROBOTICS TEAM; We are proud to be supporting the high school's Robotics Team. Team members are from all of the Tooele County High Schools. They compete every year at the Maverick Center in West Valley City. Teams from all over the country compete. A short time before the competition, all teams are supplied with basic parameters, instructions, and time limits to construct a robot that can accomplish tasks required in the competition. The young people are male and female and receive no financial support from the school system. They raise their own money and build their own robots. They have some adult mentors who assist them. It is amazing to see the robots they construct and compete with. We are always looking for donations from the public to help them financially.
Thanks so much for your support. We could not do the things we do without people like you!

- Location: Tooele, UT 84074
- Race Date: 2019/07/04 08:30:00 AM (Thursday)
- Children 12 & under
- Youth 13-18
- Adult 19+

Kiwanis 5K Freedom Run Where & When
Most Helpful Review
2019 course was way off.
Not sure what happened this year, course was redirected last minute and most participants apparently ran longer than a 5k. We didn’t participate this year, but was at the finish to cheer on finishers. We were able to cheer about 20 participants that ran the original course. Great volunteers this year and we are thankful for the Kiwanis hosting this annually.
Super fun easy course.

2019 course was way off.
Not sure what happened this year, course was redirected last minute and most participants apparently ran longer than a 5k. We didn’t participate this year, but was at the finish to cheer on finishers. We were able to cheer about 20 participants that ran the original course. Great volunteers this year and we are thankful for the Kiwanis hosting this annually.
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.