Make Your Dad Sweat Annual Fun Run and Dog Jog
Join us on 06/19/2025
(race date estimated)Make Your Dad Sweat Annual Fun Run and Dog Jog Race Description
This Father's Day bring your Dad and the whole family, including your furry friends for a 5k fun run and get some healthy movement in before a day of relaxation! Participants are encouraged to wear a necktie in support of all the dads in our little Wellington community! You are also encouraged to bring a donation of food or supplies for our local animal rescue. The list of supplies needed will follow. The proceeds of this race will go towards Girl Scout Troop 4291 and their trip to Costa Rica in two years.
List of supplies needed for rescue:
Puppy pads
New doggy toys
Paper towels
Clorox wipes

- Location: Wellington, CO 80549
- Race Date: 2016/06/19 08:00:00 AM (Sunday)
- Individual Runner
- Kids over age 5 (under free)
- Adult

Make Your Dad Sweat Annual Fun Run and Dog Jog Where & When
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Wellington, CO Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.