Mid-Atlantic Run and Gun Race
Join us on 05/13/2025
(race date estimated)Mid-Atlantic Run and Gun Race Description
The Run and Gun Race®, is a mission inspired obstacle course race requiring shooters and athletes to overcome physical obstacles as well as shooting obstacles… and in some cases both at the same time.
Created by members of the military elite, this “short” 5K course will challenge obstacle course racers, airsofters and shooters alike. Space is limited… register early to ensure you get to earn your tags and enjoy the post-race festivities!

- Location: Thurmont, MD 21788
- Race Date: 2017/05/13 11:36:00 AM (Saturday)
- Individual - Competative
- Individual
- Team
- Team - Competative

Mid-Atlantic Run and Gun Race Where & When
Mid-Atlantic Run and Gun Race Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.