Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas
Join us on 10/07/2025
(race date estimated)Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas Race Description
For all those who aren’t necessarily the fastest runner but are furious inside. Join this one of a kind Running Club that'll motivate you to keep running, encourage you in your journey, and inspire you to go further than you could've imagined!
Run will sell-out QUICK! We will close off waves the moment it fills up. If waves are sold out, you can sign-up for the virtual run option and waiting list for future runs.
Prices will also increase after waves fill up by the following tiers: First 10 people to register (Best Price!), 20 people (Price increase), 30 people, 40 people, 50 people (Most Expensive)
Run in this Small, Private Group Run with other runners and our run pacers through a beautiful route! All paces and ages (under 18 with guardian) welcome - Run or Walk!
Run is capped at just 15 participants per wave for health, safety, and just the right amount of encouragement!
Run through a scenic custom design route together. No equipment or setup, just a pure run. If there are at least 8 runners, we'll bring out one of our coordinators who can hand-time your run and provide water/snacks!
What You Get:
When you sign-up, you're not just signing up for a run. You're signing up to be part of a journey in taking a step towards your health!
Your Swag bag will be mailed directly to you so no packet pickup required!
Swag bag will include:
- Premium Running Shirt
- Finisher's Medal OR a Custom Mug! (You can email us after the run for your Finisher's Award to be shipped directly to you)
- Access to virtual community of runners all around the world that receive tips, inspiration, giveaways, and ongoing challenges to keep you going.
Wave Times:
Start Times is generally 3 waves (Waves filled on a First Come, First Serve Basis) Sign-up for your preferred wave by emailing info @
Wave A: 7:30AM
Wave B: 8:30AM
Wave C: 9:30AM
If waves are sold out, you can sign-up for the virtual run option and waiting list for future runs!
Important Note** In case there are less than 7 runners, we may postpone the run to a later time until there are at least 7 other runners. No fee for transfer for postponed runs.
A Virtual Option will be provided where you can do a practice run on one of our designed courses.
Sponsorships & Vendor Opportunities:
If you're looking to become a sponsor, we'd love to help promote your business locally and nationally!
Inspiring Newsletter for Fitness:
Or simply sign up for one of our free newsletters to inspire you to stay fit
One for One: Around the World Run:
When you register to run, we will gift a registration for someone else to run who may not be able to pay for registration themselves. They will also get a Running Shirt AND Finisher's Medal!
We partner with Non-Profits who work with at risk youth, orphans, or the marginalized to give them an memorable experience.

- Location: Las Vegas, NV 89119
- Race Date: 2023/10/07 07:30:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Registration
- 10K Registration
- 13.1 Half-Marathon Registration
- Virtual Run Registration (5K/10K/13.1)

Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas Where & When
Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas Reviews
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Join us at the Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas in October for a great race. The Not Fast, Just Furious Run 5K/10K/13.1 Las Vegas works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments for the event directors, click the button below.
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