Join us on 10/05/2025

(race date estimated)

OLD Race Description

Join the TFBC family as we race together!

Saturday, October 5th at 11:00am

Online registration is NOW OPEN!


This 5k is both on dirt and pavement following a closed section of Foothill Rd in Star, going south on Kingsbury Rd, and then turning back at the half-way point. The dirt portion of the race follows a canal on private property and has light incline changes. The paved portion of the race has no incline and is on a wide public road. 

This a family-friendly event, so feel free to bring the whole family. However, this is a running event, so bikes, scooters, roller blades/skates, etc., are not allowed, but parents with strollers are welcome. During the race, we will have spotters to guide racers along the route. 

Place your order for a race tee shirt asap! They can be ordered via the Race Store


If you will not be participating in the race, please consider volunteering! We need several shuttle bus drivers, race spotters, start and finish line helpers, and finish line timers. Click the volunteer button for more information. 


Runners should be dropped of or shuttled to the starting line West of the intersection of Foothill and Blessinger Roads. There is minimal parking at this intersection. There will be a shuttle from the Scott's house to the starting line before the race begins, so please park at the Scott residence before the race. Be early to give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go. The shuttle will then return everyone to the Scott residence.


Following the race, join us at the Scott Residence for lunch and swimming. Bring your swim clothes and a towel! Watch for more info about lunch as we get closer to race day. 


Packet pick up will be approximately one week prior to the race. Stay tuned form more information.

Some details to note: You may pick up packets for your friends and relatives, just let them know you are doing it for them. Also, If you purchase one, a race tee shirt will be included with your packet.


Late registration is any registration AFTER tee shirts have been ordered. We cannot guarantee race t-shirts for those who register late, so watch for communications about dates and deadlines. 

There is NO race day registration!


Get ready for the OLD

    OLD Where & When

  • Location: Star, ID 83669
  • Race Date: 2024/10/05 11:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Child, Run
    • Adult, Run
    • Child, Walk/Jog
    • Adult, Walk/Jog

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Star, ID Weather

Star, ID current weather
  • Clear 53.5℉ Clear

  • Join us at the OLD in October for a great race. The OLD works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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