One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra

Join us on 06/10/2025

(race date estimated)

One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra Race Description

The Trail Ultra Beast of the Midwest!!


Why so F#!k*n' tough?

  1. Estimated evaluation gain per 4 mile loop is 800 feet with you running up two ski slopes within the first 1.5 miles.
  2. Duration of the race is up to 12 hours.
  3. Technical single track trails after coming down the second ski slope.

Need more F#!k*n' reasons, then come and find out for yourself!

 Prize Money / Awards:

Yes, will be determined by the number of entries in each category.

  1. Open Male and Female: birth to 45 years
  2. Master Male and Female: 46 until near death


Potential Total Prize Money: $4,000.00


Age Group Awards: F#!k No!


Medals: We are so much better than something that will go in a F#!k*n' box under your bed.


Not Ready to Go Solo???
   Relay Option:  for those a little less daring.
   Teams Sizes:  2 to 8 runners


We will have a Welcome Center and Admin Area and designated Areas where you can put up your individual and relay team camp areas. No camping overnight on Friday or Saturday.


Accommodations:  Alpine Valley Ski & Golf Resort.



  1. You can start anytime between 8:00am and 6:00pm.
  2. No one goes out for their final complete loop after 7:00pm.
  3. Only the ski slope mini loop can be run after 7:00pm.
  4. No one goes out for a ski slope mini loop after 7:45pm.
  5. No one can run a mini loop that counts before 7:00pm.
  6. Time is not important as total loops/miles.
  7. Everybody must be done by 8:00pm.
  8. You will need to log each loop at the check in/out station for each loop.
  9. No loops completed after 8:00pm will count.
  10. I am done with the F#!k*n' rules!!


Things you might want to know...

  1. Hotel rooms are available on site.
  2. Elkhorn is about 40 minutes from Milwaukee and 90 minutes from Chicago.
  3. Swag... yes, we will have swag. What is it? You will find out when you get there! But it will be good!
  4. We have been hosting Trail Events in Southeastern Wisconsin since 2014.  This is by far the toughest course we have ever put together and I believe the toughest course in the Midwest.
  5. You will have designated camp/setup area ... not tent stake in the ground (sprinkler system).
  6. One aid station that will be located by the check in/out station.


Get ready for the One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra

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One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra location map image

    One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra Where & When

  • Location: Elkhorn, WI 53121
  • Race Date: 2023/06/10 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Individual
    • Team

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Elkhorn, WI Weather

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  • Clear 38.8℉ Clear

  • Join us at the One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra in June for a great race. The One Tough Fxxkxn Ultra works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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