orangeandblackgetfit Hero Hustle 5k
Join us on 05/11/2025
(race date estimated)orangeandblackgetfit Hero Hustle 5k Race Description
Our 2nd annual #orangeandblackgetfit 5k will be held on May 11th! The run starts and ends at Cy Young Memorial Park and takes you through the streets of Newcomerstown, Ohio. All participants will get a t-shirt, and there will be fruit and water available! There will be a $25 registration fee. The registration deadline will be April 21st. Registration is not required for children ages 8 and under and veterans. Half of the proceeds from the race will go towards the Ohio Valley Veterans Non-profit Group and the other half will go towards continuing to help #orangeandblackgetfit grow. This is not a timed race.

- Location: Newcomerstown , OH 43832
- Race Date: 2019/05/11 11:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5k/Fun Run

orangeandblackgetfit Hero Hustle 5k Where & When
orangeandblackgetfit Hero Hustle 5k Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.