Peace, Love & Charity 5K Fun Run
Join us on 11/19/2025
(race date estimated)Peace, Love & Charity 5K Fun Run Race Description
Run, walk or's your 5K Fun Run! It's not just a walk/run but an event to raise awareness and support for the homeless and less fortunate and hospitalized children. The 5K charity Fun Run will include 5K Walk/Run, Vendors, Music, and Refreshments.
Your support of the event helps our community and puts your organization/business out in front of hundreds of current and potential customers!

- Location: Plantation, FL 33317
- Race Date: 2022/11/19 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K - Youth
- 5K - Adult
- 5K - Kids

Peace, Love & Charity 5K Fun Run Where & When
Peace, Love & Charity 5K Fun Run Reviews
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