Poppy Love 5K- Benefitting BellaSPCA
Join us on 06/08/2025
(race date estimated)Poppy Love 5K- Benefitting BellaSPCA Race Description
We are excited to announce the ð¾ 2nd Annual Poppy Love 5kð¾! This is being organized by a client from the Bella SPCA Non-Profit Veterinary Hospital clinic, who brought her puppy in, and it was diagnosed with parvo. We are happy to report the puppy has made a full recovery and the client wanted to help with a fundraiser!
You have a choice of a run/walk, timed 5k, 1 mile walk or virtual 5k. Your dogs are welcome!
*** Online Registration ends May 17th, 2024. How ever runners can register day of but will not be able to receive a runner's bag or purchase a t-shirt. ***
- Location: Oklahoma City, OK 73129
- Race Date: 2024/06/08 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)

Poppy Love 5K- Benefitting BellaSPCA Where & When
Poppy Love 5K- Benefitting BellaSPCA Reviews
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