Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon

Join us on 05/24/2025

Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon Race Description




2025 Prince of Wales Island Marathon, Half Marathon and Relays

is scheduled for Saturday, May 24th, 2025


    We invite runners and walkers to experience the third largest island in the U.S. during the 24th Prince of Wales Island Marathon and Relays and 12th Half Marathon, Saturday, May 24, 2025 in southeast Alaska. The course is the standard marathon distance of 26.2 miles and is USATF certified, #AK14007FW. The out-and-back course beginning in Craig is one of the most inspirational and scenic routes in Alaska. Come join us. Find out why this is one of Alaska's premiere and unique events.

   Divisions include full marathon and half-marathon as well as 4 and 8 person marathon relay teams. We welcome runners and walkers. (Please note: walkers will begin the course at 8:00 am with runners.) Early Bird (register before midnight, Alaska Time, April 15, 2025) discounted rates are as follows: full marathon-$60, half marathon-$55, relay team captain/member-$40. Regular registration (April 16th until close at midnight, Monday May 19th) rates are as follows: full marathon-$75, half marathon-$70, relay team captain/member-$55. 

   The course will provide a challenge for all participants beginning and ending at the Craig High School, Craig, AK. The course will take you through mountain vistas and stunning scenery. Glimpses during your run or walk of wildlife are not uncommon.

   Race packets and shirts will be available for pick up at the Craig High School in Craig (NOTE: race headquarters location), Friday May 23, from 2:00 until 7:30 pm. (In person registrations will no longer be accepted on Friday before the event. Online registration ends Monday, May 19th, at midnight Alaska Standard Time. No category changes may be made after 8:00 pm Monday before the event.) A reasonably priced dinner will be available Friday evening 6:00 to 7:30 pm at race headquarters, Craig High School. Participant orientation will follow dinner and our guest speaker will conclude the evening's festivities.

   Saturday morning the starting gun sounds at Craig High School at 8:00 am (check-in for all participants begins at 7:00 am) for all categories including marathon walkers. Please note, there will be NO registrations accepted Saturday morning for the event. The course will be open for eight hours. The event will end at Craig High School where participants may enjoy post-race recovery food items, including our traditional homemade cookie station, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Ten minute massages will also be available for a nominal fee. 

   In order to guarantee a shirt for race day please take advantage of Early Bird rates and register before midnight Alaska Time April 15th. The shirts will be short-sleeved unisex adult sizing. Standard registration rates will apply for those registering after midnight (Alaska Time) April 15th and a shirt will be ordered but may not be received by race day.

   Online registration will close at midnight Alaska Time, Monday, May 19th. (Category changes close at 8 pm Monday the 19th.) PLEASE NOTE a change for Friday in person registration procedure - In person registrations WILL NOT be accepted Friday, May 23rd at Race Headquarters. Do not wait, register online early!


The 2025 POW Marathon will honor all of our Veteran participants

on a special section of the Wall of Welcome!

Each of you will have your own Patriotic Starfish with your name and branch of service!

Please fill out those areas on your registration!!!


Please visit: for detailed event and activities information.


** The planning team is hard at work refining event operational plans in a manner that will be consistent with local community guidelines and requirements. We are planning for an in-person packet pickup, pre-race dinner, post-race food and the post-race ceremony. However, in an attempt to keep our participants and community safe, one or all may require adjustment based on updated guidelines provided by the state or local community at the time of race.





Creating a safe environment for race weekend is everyone’s responsibility. You can contribute to the overall safety of the event by reviewing and following the health and safety procedures described below.

If you feel sick or experience symptoms of COVID ( symptoms identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) you should self-isolate and not participate in event activities or enter event venues while symptomatic.



***Please remember the committee no longer will mail unclaimed event shirts.***

 *** Early Bird registration ends at midnight April 15th, Alaska Standard Time. Due to high registration volume, any inquiries to race directors after 7:00 pm April 15th will receive a response at the race director's earliest convenience after the April 15th deadline at which time standard registration rates will apply.***

*** The event will reach capacity at 350 participants. Please register online early to assure a position as well as receive the Early Bird discounted registration rate and a shirt for race day. ***




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Get ready for the Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-05-24 08:00:00 2025-05-24 08:00:00 America/Anchorage Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon Craig, AK Event Director

    Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon Where & When

  • Location: Craig, AK 99921
  • Race Date: 2025/05/24 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Full Marathon Runner/Walker
    • Half Marathon Runner/Walker
    • 4 Person Marathon Relay Team
    • 8 Person Marathon Relay Team
    • Youth Relay Team

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Craig, AK Weather

Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon weather history
  • Based on a 5 year average and a race date of May 24th, Craig, AK can expect temperatures between 62℉ and 76℉ with humidity around 81% and precipitation of 0.24".
    Last year the weather condition was Light rain shower.
  • Craig, AK current weather
  • Rain 43.5℉ Rain

  • Join us at the Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon in May for a great race. The Prince of Wales Marathon and Relays and Half Marathon works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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