Pump It Up For Platelets Cranberry Twp
Join us on 08/07/2025
(race date estimated)Pump It Up For Platelets Cranberry Twp Race Description
Our 1st annual Pump It Up For Platelets 5k will be held at North Boundary Park on Aug. 7 2016
Registration begins at 8:30 am
Race begins at 10:00 am
Our 5k is held in honor of 5yr old Cayden Tomczak to raise awareness of ITP, A blood disease affecting the platelets.
Cayden was diagnosed with ITP in March of 2015 at the age of 4. Cayden had been sick over several months with what seemed to be multiple winter colds/sore throats/flu. Multiple trips to the Dr. thinking he was just getting virus after virus with little recovery time in between. In the early first weeks of March Cayden began getting strange bruises all over his face and body, knowing something was not right off to the Dr. we went. That day the Dr. sent Cayden immediately for blood testing. Later that evening we received a call from his Dr. stating he needed to go to Children's Hospital immediately. A normal platelet count is between 150,000-500,000, Cayden's count was below 9,000. After weeks of constant blood tests ruling out any other causes his hematologist diagnosed Cayden with ITP.
ITP has no cure. It is a very scary disease. ITP is rare and not many people know anything or have actually even heard of the disease.
Cayden's low platelet counts put him at risk for internal bleeding, and makes it harder for his blood to clot if he gets cut.
Please consider donating or joining our team for the Pump It Up Platelets 5k in honor of Cayden. We all have hope one day there will be a cure.
All donations/funds raised go to PDSA.
PDSA receives no government funding and solely relies on donations for their services.
- Location: Cranberry Township, PA 16066
- Race Date: 2016/08/07 10:00:00 AM (Sunday)
- Adult
- Youth

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Last year the weather condition was Light rain.