Bike Race
Do you believe you’re the fastest Vike West of Denmark and Sweden? Prove it by signing up for Vike on a Bike 2021!
Here are the races you can register for:
Sport: You have that competitive spirit, and you’ve been riding for a while. You are absolutely comfortable on your steed, and this is not your first rodeo – this is your category.
Novice: You are not new to mountain biking or your bike, but you ride less than 4 hours a week with experience on a single track. You are competitive with your friends and are looking to up the ante – this is your category.
Beginner: It’s your first or second time, you’re new to your bike and inexperienced with single track riding. You are working on your skills and you want a good workout in the outdoors with other riders – this is your category.
Registration is $15.00. Cash prizes will be given to those that are at the top of the leaderboard for each league for each gender. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Patton at Good luck!