
TriSouth T. G. Newton Duathlon Winter Series

Get your hearts pumping!!! Welcome to the Triathlon South Winter Series.
This is a three-race series and provides a great opportunity for all levels to compete or just have fun, regardless of experience and fitness. We will hold our first two races on a completely closed course (no vehicles) at the MyState Bank Arena. The third, and final one, is the ‘big one’ as it includes the Olympic Distance option. This World Qualifying Event which is also part of the Triathlon Tasmania State Series will be held in September at Seven Mile Beach. At each of these races we also have a JSA TRYstars series for the younger athletes 7 to 12 years olds who love to run and bike.
Racing is organised by your award-winning local triathlon club, Triathlon South. We are super grateful to our naming rights sponsors for the Winter Duathlon Series: T. G. Newton. Make sure you support them as they have supported us!

How to be a Series Winner!
Of the two Sprint Distance and one Olympic Distance races, your three scores will be calculated and a major cash prize of $100/$50/$25 each for 1st /2nd /3rd Female and Male will be up for grabs together with the names of best Female and Male etched on to a perpetual trophy and presented after the conclusion of Race 3. Note a Youth (12-14) Short Course & Junior (age 15-19) Sprint Series Prize will be given to best placed Male and Female over the three races.

Click at least 1 event you want to sign up for

T.G. Newton Duathlon Race 1
T. G. Newton Duathlon Race 2
T. G. Newton Duathlon Race 3
