$220 Raised for Adapitive Swim Lessons for ASD Children
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About Adapitive Swim Lessons for ASD Children
In an effort to promote safety and bring programming to folks in our local communities, this year's funds will be utilized to purchase adaptive swim lessons and/or open swim time for children with ASD. We are advocating to change the fact that there are little to no local programs available for adaptive swim lessons and the few that are available, are costly and unafordable for many families. Children with ASD statistically have a higher risk and rate for drowning due to their draw and love for water and combinded with the lack of water education available for folks with ASD. A study at Columbia University reports that ASD drownings have increased 700% in the last 16 years. The police and fire department will be working vigilaently with local organizations such as the YMCA, to find and purchase programming to continue our mission of safety and inclusion for our ASD community members.
Recent Donors |
Kate DeLanders
Perry Liff
Gloria Liff
Mary Ann Scannell
Katherine Carlson
Top Donors |
Katherine Carlson
Mary Ann Scannell
Perry Liff
Gloria Liff
Kate DeLanders